Monday, November 24, 2008

We won again

Over the past couple of months Ana and I have been winning open bar at Calico Jacks. This has amused us to no end seeing as we can drink just about anything down. At the last Calico's night we discovered that they change the deal to basically a happy hour drink format. which is still fine but time consuming as we have to shuffle around for cash and constantly make change. the bartenders and shot girls are pretty, which makes the booze go down even better. After a couple of hours we went to Double Down For Some drinks before heading to Lit where we ended the night after some snack cakes of course;).

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And The Menagerie Grows

Friends fall in and out of every persons life. it just a fact that as you grow older you accept. One of The greater pleasures in life is when new friends join your adventures and old friends return to them. Happily thats whats happen here over the summer I made friends with Jon. He is an old friend of Ana B, and this summer he became mine as well He can tour as well as anyone and has a quiet subversive sense of humor that I like. Then There Ian who moved away to take care of some personal issues. He was gone in a second and without a word then returned in a blink. I was overjoyed when we went to the beer garden in williamsburg to chill. The jokes flew fast and furious, with that air familarity that can't be explained by the length of time any of us have known each other. In The end it was good food, good drink, and good friends who among us can ask for more...

A Not So New Beggining

SO I've Started this Blog to detail or at least give voice to some of the more abstract or hidden moments of The Drunk World Tour as well as my life I hope you enjoy it, or at least learn from it.

Here are some Pics from The Halloween Tour.