Monday, May 11, 2009

The Reason

I always suspected that things would go this way. I've always been the go beyond the call type of friend. Unfortunatly i'm the only person thats seems to put in that kind of effort. Well May 10, 2009 markit on your calendars, because thats the day it all changed.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

White Flags

There is something about this time of year that makes it easy to surrender. Easy to quit people, places and things. The sound of peaceful oblivion calling out through the cold canyons of the city. A quiet depression engulfs the streets during the time between new years and spring. It's a cold war indeed, except the enemy is you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Opening Move

it starts like most things with a dream, but this is not the kind of dream that inspires one with great ideas or determination. This is more along the lines of a nightmare that frightens you into action. it made all the scarier because it's true. So, I've taken action against the untrue and the terminally confused. My nightmare set the stage but i will control the outcome. Did you dream that too?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The opeing Savo

THe first ten days of this new year and this war has brought in this order, a loss of treasure, a new found spirit, 3 maddening mysteries a deluge of deaths and the revision of a dream. New years eve was strangly fun. DDS has been a handful lately, but the fun way. Pizza Shoppe on Ave A is my new not quite guilty pleasure food. and some one has got vegas on my mind.

The fighting Continues.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This means War

New Years traditionally brings new tours new hope and other such silly sentiments. This year it brings War. I waring against the things i don't like in this world, because i won't be an inactive particiipant in a life of ordinary boredom and foolishness. Watch out world it all begins here.